Saturday, September 6, 2008

former students at K.K gathering

4Sept night, our former students gathering at fohseng luyang center at K.K. Ps lily song leading and preaching to encourage them. Ps. Michael share abt pkaj life ministry was change among 3years period and ask them to pray if God will PKAJ having office to connecting work at K.K.
Attended student is kenny, alvin wong, alvin lim, simon liew, siewching. One of them said:"I feel God is present and encourage me back to church", "at holistic life training let me know and experience God is reality in my life, now i joined church and know HIM more and more." we having very good gathering. We end at around 10.30pm.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

going to Sabah... at airport.

另一件要感恩的。今天的天气不好;飛机遇到許多气流阻力,感謝主我們順利底達。Michael iwsp

King of Majesty

we take cam on 29,30August at Setia tropikal Caryota garden. Esther,Irene,Jiayi,christin,jenny. there learn hiphop 1 months having good performing. GAMBAteh

Monday, September 1, 2008

女學員出席舞蹈班Danga City Mall Sho w Case!

We attended Twister Dancing Class Show Case at Danga City Mall. 2-6pm alot of performance and learn a lot of dance style.

girls and boys at pastor house gathering

29 August-1 Sept girls at pastor house Pratice and learn.